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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 35
  • Photos: 2 Public
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Wanderer seeks mate
Location: Portland, Oregon

About Me: I am your typical non- average guy. I like to talk about nothing and everything all at once. I look for moments that leave me speechless, so I have something to talk about. I enjoy long walks in the rain, as well as candle lit dinners during the day. I like to read while I drive and sleep while I meditate. I have a ridiculous sense of humor but I don't think I am funny. I enjoy being alone in a room full of people. babes make me smile and old people make me happy. I often talk to myself in Italian. I like Chinese but I get confused too easy. I like to beat the computer at chess. I cry at comedies and laugh at dramas. I spend hours thinking about things I don't want to do. I play the viola because the violin is far too common. I have a gutiar but never play it. Doctor Phil is annyoying but often right. I often ponder why mimes talk. I fear clowns and really fear midget clowns wrong on so many levels. I flyfish but catch and relese, I don't eat fish. I work rediculous hours but have no money. Pretty normal all in all, or not at all depends on your perspective.

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