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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 44
  • Photos: 1 Public
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Comfortably Lonely
Location: Rolla, Missouri

About Me: First of all let me just say, I don't have a lot of photos to choose from... ah well. :( I have my perfect little life, quit content needing or wanting for nothing more. I apologize for sounding crude and sure I'm setting myself up for failure, but believe me! a lot of none sense, wasted time and the agony of mind games can be eliminated if you would bare with me while I cut to the chase. I'm here to have sex, I don't make love, I don't PAY for sex in any way whatsoever. Yes I bath and am hygienically conscious and expect the same in return, Obliviously inviting someone with the same selfish needs. Here's the deal breaker,.. I wont use condoms, you are welcome to provide your own protection(on you), condoms compromise the sensation, are distracting and can break (Not trusted as a birth control) I've used the 'pull out technique' for all my years and it's not failed me.

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