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Meet Men in Newcastleupon Tyne in Tyne and Wear
About Afterglowsmile

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  • Age: 39
  • Photos: 4 Public
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Nice guy seeks similar

About Me: I had retired myself from the game of intimacy long ago, yet had second thoughts that maybe to someone whose glasses need repairing, there may be a chance again for me before I draw a pension especially if they don't confuse me with a pregnant whale. (An easy mistake). I used to date someone highly sexual, and we communicated through sex many times a day. I learnt to my cost, that we were communicating through a breathless desparation for happiness. Maybe oneday, I will be blessed with finding another girlfriend, or even having a friend who is a girl! What I do know, is I miss company (of any sort), and I seek someone's hand to hold - even if for a brief moment in time. For in that moment, you are complete - and no longer lost. I see people on this site as interestiing sorts - able to express the desperation for lust and being wanted through wonderfully bronzed and impressive figures. Something I do not have. The only abilty I have, is that of words and expression. To understand the human mind and human behaviour. Sex is simply a behaviour, like any else. It is only society and the past historical grip of religion - that makes sex something so 'wrong'. This website is public lust personified. I do not criticse or admire that - I do however recognise this visceral drive in myself. We all wish for a lure to attract our prey - to get what we want. In a way, we are selfish - we require the feed (sex), to release our appetite for stress relief and to feel content. With this, we gain (albeit temporarily) a sense of accomplisment and satisfaction.

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