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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 33
  • Photos: 1 Public
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Effeminate male seeking strong female
Location: Gainesville, Florida

About Me: I'm laid back most of the time but have times of intense frenzy-like passions either in work or in play. I love going down on chicks. I'm much more utilitarian than romantic but I have a romantic side. I'm a very open minded and understanding person but I have no interested in sado-masochism. I often seem boring at first but I actually have a very well developed personality and sense of humor...I guess I take a while to get to know. I like to know a girl a little bit before I sleep with her, hence I've never had a one night stand. Think you could change that? We'll see. My profile pic is very recent. I consider myself an effeminate male, which is not entirely the same thing as metro-sexual, but close. I'm enamoured with existence and am much more interested in love than fear. I see the god within and the god in others and consider sex to be my only expression of prayer. I'm sort of a scholar when it comes to mythologies as I've studied all the major mythologies and religions of the world both past and present and I include things like Lord of the Rings and Star Wars in this category. I enjoy nature as well as nurture. I like reading science fiction, romance, and non-fiction. I don't watch TV...sometimes I think that a man's place is in the kitchen. I think that language has a huge impact on our thinking and behaviour to an extent that most people never even consider could be possible. I don't have very many really strong beliefs but something I feel very strongly about is that monogamy is a very bad idea and against human nature. And I just do not understand why people think that having multiple relationships over a lifetime (which is what everyone does these days) is any different from having multiple relationships at once (which we all do on a friendship level already)

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