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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 28
  • Sex: straight single man
Location: Madison, Wisconsin

About Me: I lived all over the world cause my dad was in the service thats how my dad found my mom in South Korea, city Soeul. I had a rough childhood growing up the only babe being bored alot of times no brothers and sisters and being spoiled you feel lonely at times. My mom passed away in Milwaukee, when i was 12 years old to secuide, it would be ten years in August.I grew up in Milwaukee for seven years went to Grantosa Elementary School. After that happened i moved to Madison went to Black Hawk Middle School and grauated at Madison East High School in 04, i've been here sense and i love it here. Know only my grandma are the only ones left close enough to a mother figure i have to me i share everything with them. I am a very talkative guy, self confident sometimes, and a very good listener for giving advice on situations. Last July i was in a drunk driving car accident and totaled my lincoln navigator hitting a pole two blocks away from my house. know i have a price to pay i've learned from my mistakes not to let it happen again and it won't i will be attending therpy every monday for 2-3 monthes. I just did jail time and house arrest i tell you what i feel like a changed person opening up more and not being afraid anymore letting my voice be heard for the whole world, but i'm not afraid anymore when i have a perfect loving family and a women in the furture that i maddly will love cross my fingers i know she's out their somewhere. Their will be bumpy roads and roller coasters along the way, but you have to keep your head up high and think positive and good things will come true just be patient like my family saids, "Patientes Is A Verture". I've gotting lost in the tunnel and finally i've seen the light at the other end of it and know i will be living happily ever after with her soon.

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