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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 63
  • Photos: 3 Public
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Writers Do It With Punctuation
Location: Norco, California

About Me: By profession, I am an administrative law advocate and a ghostwriter. But my passion is to be seduced and consumed by the smile, touch and love of a strong and vibrant woman. A California native, I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area, relocating to Orange County while in high school. After a tour in the Navy, college beckoned. I spent the next few years collecting degrees, working odd jobs and making those critical life mistakes that leave scars, but establish character. Along the way, I married briefly, divorced, bought a home in Norco, California and found my stride. Middle age includes a two-seat, convertible roadster, several pets, the perpetual demands of home ownership and a ferocious hankering to win the affection of one lovely and lusty woman. I am a good man with some admirable qualities and the usual assortment of flaws that attest to my humanity. My routines include caring for my company, visiting the gym regularly and dreaming of the woman who will knock my socks off. The perfect woman, for me, will be far from perfect. But she'll carry the evidence of life's challenges with pride and wisdom. She'll value education as a goal in itself, but she'll esteem character more. She'll love animals and the home, but she'll love me more! She'll be my partner, confidante and friend and she'll know that I am as devoted to her ambitions and dreams as she is to mine. Physically, I prefer a woman with an athletic figure. I am NOT attracted to ladies who are infatuated with the "Concentration-Camp-Refugee Look." Hair and eye color are less important than hair length; I prefer long hair, and a twinkle in her eye. I am a dedicated leg man. A pair of shapely thighs will render me more amorously enthralled than all the breast implants displayed in Nip/Tuck's five seasons. Ideally, she would be tall and stunning. But it is more important that she regard me with the same respect and affection that I shall have for her.

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