How To Hook Up With Someone Out Of Your League

How To Hook Up With Someone Out Of Your League 1

How Do You Hook Up With A Guy Out Of Your League?

Everyone's life is usually filled with those little surprises. It could be a higher grade on your exam that you hadn't expected or that waiter forgetting to charge you for one item on your breakfast order. It is those small things that could color your life. However, the ideal bombshell that everyone will definitely love is when you get to surprise yourself. Yes, when you accomplish or achieve something that you did not expect to do, it can be quite dramatic.

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The Factors Involved

It can be a challenge to hook up with someone that is out of your league, but it can be done in some instances. It all depends on your lifestyle and your status in life. It also depends on how the other person feels about you and what you can bring to the table. But, before you try to enter into someone's life that is not in your league, make sure you own your life and be proud of the person who you are. Don't limit yourself and don't let anyone limit you either. It is important to get to know the individual first and not assume that you are not eligible to be considered as a partner. Think long term and not a quick hookup or you won't be able to last. Fake it until you make it and if you have any insecurities, dig deep to find out what those are. Be prepared for rejection on some fronts. Humor could also be your best asset. The person who might be out of your league will consider it an asset and a possible attraction to get to know you more. Be confident and ask for exactly what you want.

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Let Your Imagination Go

Can you imagine that while playing baseball, you surprise yourself by hitting that home run and watch as the ball goes up into the spectator stands and you stand on the base smiling about your efforts? Yes, a baseball metaphor was just used to describe the hookup process. However, this is not just any kind of hookup. It is the type of hookup that takes place at that very moment when even you can surprise yourself. This is the type of hookup that enhances your ego, allowing it to hit an all time high.

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The Realization

When a woman is seen as being out of her league, it might not be that easy to tell in some cases. You could be speaking to the guy and believe that everything is going smoothly and suddenly, you come to realize that you are definitely not in his league. You then feel that you have wasted your time. It could make you feel and look stupid because you thought that you could run with the best of the best. It is quite fortunate that in many other cases, there are signs to show you that you are not in his league. If you pay attention to these signs, you will not embarrass yourself. You won't flirt with him and you will keep as far away as possible so that your ego won't be shot down.

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The Physical Reasons

The signs are there, but you have to notice them. First of all, there are a wide range of reasons why this guy might be way out of your league. It could be due to physical reasons. For example, the guy might be quite handsome and good looking and may not want to be seen with a girl like you. Because of how handsome he is, this guy may be a good catch for girls that are more attractive. He will usually know this because he may have already have had his pick of more attractive girls. He may choose a girl because of her looks and not her personality. In this case, even though, you may have a winning personality, you might not make the cut. On a scale from 1 to 10, if you are a 5 in terms of looks, you should not opt for a guy who is at an 8 or 9 or you will be definitely out of his league. That is just a common thing known by many in the hookup world.

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The Smart Guy

If the guy is smart and has a higher education than you do, he could be out of your league and be snobbish because of his educational background. For example, a guy who went to an Ivy League School might not typically hookup with a waitress. In this case, you would have to find an individual who is not as educated such as a waiter or bartender or retail store clerk. It is sad to say this but it is true. If both of you are physical attracted to each other, and his parents agree with it, then that is the only way that you both would be able to proceed. It could present problems later on, but for the most part, there are instances where this has worked out.

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The Approach

It is best to approach this thing with a good portion of realism. There are many girls who want with a guy, even if he is out of her league. If a guy is physically fit and has a well-built body, do you think he would hookup with you, if you never worked out nor eat right? Well, it is possible that he would, but you may have to change your lifestyle to one that is healthier. With a six pack and a ripped body, this guy may go for a girl that is trying to accomplish the same. But, if you were to change your lifestyle and sign up for a gym membership to work on your from, toning and your abs, you would stand a better chance. At least, you would be making the effort.

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A Way of Life

The problem is not just about the physical look of the person, but also the way of life. For example, if the fit guy does regular workout and eats healthy, he expects to have a hookup that watches her diet and doesn't sit in the couch most of the time being immobile, watching television all the time. He would be looking for someone who is more active. He won't want to be seen with a woman who has jiggly arms, love handles and a pouch. He would want to be caught with a drop-dead gorgeous female who is confident about her body. So, if you want that guy who has the hot bod, then it is in your best interest to hit the gym as soon as possible.

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The College Degree

If the guy has gone to college and graduated with any degree and you haven't, he may be out of your league. A man with a college education would likely choose a girl that does. For example, if you went to a school for hairdressing, this might not be enough to interest him. However, you could always pursue an education to show that you want to improve yourself. Even though, you may have more life experience, it is true that the guy might be looking for someone with more college experience. These days, going to college is not hard. You can work as a hairdresser and still go to college part time to impress your potential hookup. Of course, college involves student loans and other expenses. Until you go through paying for college, you might not be able to identify with a person who has a college degree. The key is to get educated. And even if you have a bachelor's degree, you might not be able to hook up with a guy who went ahead and got a doctorate degree. It might happen, but not frequently. Remember, the doctor has put out a lot of time and effort to secure that degree and may not want to settle for someone with less than he has educationally. Now let's look more closely at how you would want to deal with these different situations.

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Meeting the Guy

Ok now that you have met that guy that you find attractive, educated and nice to you, it is evident that he is truly out of your league. However, you end up hitting it off and find that you do have many things in common and love each other's company. What is next? You might have found yourself in this predicament before and so you might wonder how you can get this guy. Below are some of the tips that you can consider.

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Tune Out the Voice

For one, don't listen to that little voice that is telling you to run for the hills because this guy is not in your league. Tune out the voice that is in your head. For one, you have to give it a chance, if the guy is willing to try. The worst case scenario is to have tried to make it work and it doesn't. Both of you would just move on to the next person. Nothing beats a failure than a trial.

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No Competition Necessary

Remember that you are not running in the Olympics and this is not a competition. You don't have to make this a competition or you may lose out. Do not compare yourself to the girl that has it all and you don't. Be yourself and if the guy wants you, he will accept you just the way you are. Allow yourself to stand out and he will see you for who you are.

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Allow Yourself to Know Him

It is important that you give yourself time to know the guy. Remember, even though, he may have his accomplishments, he is just as human as you are. So you should talk to him like you would any other human being. It is more interesting and attractive to do so rather than attempting to be the kind of person you think he would be attracted to. Be real and authentic because that, too, is more attractive and you will find out sooner rather than later, if you both have an attraction to each other. In other words, getting to know him has more long-standing appeal rather than being the Barbie doll that you think he wants.

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Running the Marathon and Not the Sprint

To hook up with someone not in your league, you need to go at it like you are running a marathon and not a 100 meter sprint. Consider where you want this hookup to go. What are you expecting to get from it? Is it just sex or do you want a long standing relationship? You could compare this with a nice wedding dress that while it might look stunning, you could not wear it to the airport, grocery store or while cleaning your home.

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Have Your Own Life

When you have your own fulfilling life, it is not easy for you to think that you might be out of someone's league. You will have loved your life and not envy someone else's. You will also be so engaged and busy in your life that you won't put your friends and family on hold just for this guy. You would already have an enjoyable and fun life, so much so that you won't miss anything if he doesn't want to be with you.

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Have a Sense of Humor

Having a good sense of humor can break the ice. It can also be an attractive asset that this guy will find appealing. Laughter is the best medicine in most situations. He might be out of your league, but be unhappy. You could be the one to make him laugh again. That is priceless and not something that anyone can buy. If he doesn't have the sense of humor like you do, he may want to know how he can get it from you. This will make him want to stick around.

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Final Thoughts

You must consider yourself a special and unique person. So, think of yourself as someone who has made someone lucky to know you. You should never be concerned about being out of someone's league because you also have worth. As long as you are confident in your own skin, you don't have to be threatened by someone else. Lastly, if you are not in his league, fake it until you make it.


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