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Seattle Gay Singles in Washington
About ThatGuyYouWanna

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  • Age: 26
  • Photos: 3 Public
  • Sex: gay single man
Recent Status: you know you wanna know more....
Location: Seattle, Washington

About Me: I can be a total ass....put up with me for a week and i guarantee you we'll be golden. I happen to have the most beautiful, smart, patient, intellectual, interesting, and comedic friends. I love them all dearly. I smoke like a frenchmen. I sewar like a trucker. I like clothes. and currently my goal is to die of overian cancer. "trust everyone but always cut the cards." I like music i can lose myself in. dance to. sing a long. run away and drive into the sunset with. Friends are there when your family isn't...and when you find yourself alone, manic depressive and conpleatly drunk: "to shine oneself be true" I love my dog, i hope he outlives me. so theres this guy... ectectera ectectera. Ciao, i like painting and drawing. i love the rain. i read. i write. i am a total sap. i have a tendency to laugh uncontrollably but oftentimes im quiet and pensive. im an awkward person, but once i warm up to you im pretty chill. im a little too intense for my own good. sometimes too paranoid. sometimes too serious...but i have my moments. i have the worst luck with cell phones and im even worse witrh answering them...the odds are like winning the lottery [i think i have lost frendships over that..i know--its that bad.] i consistantly freak myself out. hospitals, airports, and getting on elevatrs with a lot of people will make me a bit nervous. i am a really messy person, but at the same time im a clean freak. im a terribly wrecklessly good AZN drier. road trips are best. gas prices and co2 emissions are not. i like odd scentences and english wording...colour. theatre. i love the smell of cut grass. i want to see much of the world befor i die and befor war breaks out everywhere. particularly New Zealand. im a transcendentalist at heart as well as an existentialist. im a thinker. a romantic, a lover, a hater ant fighter. im a dreamer. i am my own worst nightmare.

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